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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Truths Regarding Solar Photovoltaic

A common way to produce electricity by converting solar energy to current electricity is Solar Photovoltaic. What the solar photovoltaic does is it creates photovoltaic effect using semiconductors. The use of solar photovoltaic systems is being prevalent around the globe as solar photovoltaic technology is advancing.Due to huge investments in converting renewable energy sources like solar energy into electricity to meet the growing demand, the technology of solar photovoltaic systems is evolving and becoming much cheaper, reliable and capable.

How Solar Photovoltaic Functions

Solar photovoltaic works simple by using solar Photovoltaic panels. All solar photovoltaic panels comprise of a photovoltaic cell.This Photovoltaic device works to convert solar energy into electricity. A solar photovoltaic panel has 40 photovoltaic cells. As the Photovoltaic cells in solar Photovoltaic panels combine with each other, they form an array. As more arrays are formed in the solar photovoltaic, more electricity will be produced.

Looking into the Solar Photovoltaic Cell

The solar cells in solar photovoltaic panels consist of light-sensitive semi-conductors. Most of these semiconductors are made up of silicon and are covered with light honing films.Now the science is simple, light consists of wave particles known as photons. These energy-containing particles are reflected by objects as light waves hit these objects. The semiconductors used by solar Photovoltaic panels absorb more and more of the photons to acquire maximum energy that will be later on converted to electric current.

As you may have studied in Physics, the energy in the solar photovoltaic cells harnessed from sunlight causes atoms to charge. When the atoms are energized, electrons begin to release. Solar photovoltaic cell intends to make the released electrons move from one side to another. By means of semiconductors, these electrons form electric current.There are different factors that contribute in the strength of the current produced, including the films used over semi conductors, the type of solar photovoltaic cell and their protective coating.Even though, the process looks like simple and straightforward but the fact is that the most advanced solar photovoltaic cell can convert only 20% of the photon's energy into electric current. Throughout the process of electron movement, most of the energy acquired by solar photovoltaic cells is lost.

Reasons in Using Solar Photovoltaic

Solar Photovoltaic also known as solar panel is a device that uses an array of solar cells to consume energy in sunlight and to convert sun energy into usable electric current. It is now usual to see houses, buildings, cars and even trains using solar photovoltaic panels for the conversion of solar energy to electricity. Another benefit for the usage of solar photovoltaic in producing electricity is its emission free and non-noise feature. Solar Photovoltaic is ideal for it has a cheap cost and an ecofriendly technology.It is the best environmental source of energy that does not contribute in noise pollution and do not emit any harmful gas into our atmosphere. The cost of maintaining the solar Photovoltaic technology is very low for its parts are secured, so replacement of any parts after some couple of months is evitable.

The competition of producing reliable and cheaper solar photovoltaic systems is becoming tough nowadays.There is a growing trend in the commercial use of solar photovoltaic panels.The use of solar photovoltaic systems is growing by an average of 30% in last couple of years as people are showing more concerns over environmental pollution and seeking cheap electricity. The cause of the increase in the demand for solar photovoltaic systems is the decline on its cost.The reasons like increased efficiency, improvement in technology, and large scale manufacturing contributed in sharp decline in the costs of solar photovoltaic systems

Facts on Solar Photovoltaic Industry

As the demand and need heighten around the globe, many are investing large capitals on solar photovoltaic projects.The global revenue generated by solar photovoltaic industry in 2009 was almost 40 billion dollars. The revenue acquired by the solar photovoltaic industry is expected to cross 100 billion dollars in the year 2015. During the year of 2009, solar photovoltaic panels were able to generate 7.3 GW of electricity worldwide, and thus the figure is estimated to rise by five times in 2014.Another interesting factor is that the on-grid use of solar photovoltaic is growing by 20% while the off-grid use of solar photovoltaic is growing by 23%. This only shows the interest of people in using solar photovoltaic panels in generating electricity.

What is Off Grid Solar Photovoltaic?

The rise in the use of off-grid solar photovoltaic systems displays the interest given by the common people in renewable energy. Due to the cheap and green electricity offered by solar photovoltaic systems, people become interested on them. as the use of solar photovoltaic panels in homes is increasing, the load carried by the national grid is decreasing.This is the main reason why countries like Germany and Japan are giving financial incentives and are promoting the use of solar photovoltaic systems in domestic users.

Solar photovoltaic panels are now used by many as an alternative to the national grid when it comes to powering houses. The method just needs the installation of the solar photovoltaic panels on the roof so as to have more sunlight.Batteries are used to store electricity in order to keep the supply of electric current at constant rate.Today, there is a range of solar photovoltaic systems available in market that varies in price, complexity and size. In the last couple of years, many new companies are manufacturing and providing solar photovoltaic systems to common users to power their homes, cars or other appliances.


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